Portfolio  My Little Dictator

My Little Dictator

By komicer, 10 Jun 2022

My Little Dictator

This has to be GreenTeaNeko’s biggest project under Collateral Damage Studios. From character design, chibi artworks to key visuals, it was all GreenTeaNeko. The theme of the game was perfect for his twisted creativity. We completed all the necessary artworks that we were contracted to do and then, we waited.

Seven years later. The game is finally launched! We can finally show some of the artworks off!

The cast of My Little Dictator

Chibis of the cast of My Little Dictator

Screenshots of MLD

Key visuals featuring Hitora

In a way, the graphics look a little dated. But in our defense, this was done over seven years ago and we are just glad that we can finally announce that the game is live! Do support Desertfox!

For more artworks done for the game, check out our Behance entry.